Vienna O Challenge


3 Tage Sprint-Orientierungslauf:
Sei dabei & treffe internationale Sprint-OLer*innen in Österreichs Hauptstadt! 🙌

Vienna O Challenge


Geplant von Elite-Orientierungsläufer*innen - für alle, die gerne sprinten 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Vienna O Challenge


Ein cooles & abwechslungsreiches OL-Event für Elite, Jugend, erfahrene OLer*innen & Newcomer 🍀

Folge @viennaochallenge auf Instagram und Facebook | Website in English


Donnerstag 29.8.2024 19:00-20:00 Offenes Training
Freitag 30.8.2024 17:00-20:00 Etappe 1
Samstag 31.8.2024 9:45-12:45 Etappe 2
Sonntag 1.9.2024 9:00-12:00 Etappe 3
12:35-13:30 Sprintstaffel
13:40 Ehrung

Sprint Weekend mit 3-Etappen-Wertung & Sprintstaffel

OL-Meeting im Herzen Europas: mach' mit bei Austria’s most fun orienteering event! 😉

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Vienna O Challenge

Orienteering =

Hochwertige Sprint-OL-Karten und spannende Bahnen in abwechslungsreichen Gebieten, geplant von erfahrenen Eliteläufer*innen und einem jungen OL-Team.

Teilnehmerzufriedenheit: 93/100
Empfohlen von Teilnehmer*innen

Team Orienteering Guide

Experience orienteering


Wien wurde bereits 11x als lebenswertete Stadt der Welt ausgezeichnet.

Vor und nach dem OL ist genug Zeit um weitere Aktivitäten in Wien zu erleben. Informiere dich unter und folge @viennatouristboard für Inspiration.


Einfache Anreise

Das Mobilitätskonzept der Veranstaltung baut auf die Verwendung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel. Alle Veranstaltungsorte sind in der Stadt Wien, es wird kein Auto benötigt.

Reise mit dem Zug, Liegewagen oder Bus nach Wien.
Zugtickets: ÖBB, Westbahn, Regiojet, ČD

Öffi-Tickets: Einzelfahrt (bis 15 Jahre 1.2 €, Normal 2.4 €, 65+ Jahre 1.5 €), 48 Stunden Ticket (14.1 €), 7 Tage Ticket (17.1 €)

Die Vienna O Challenge wurde 2021 & 2022 als ÖkoEvent Plus der Stadt Wien durchgeführt und die nachhaltige Umsetzung ist seither ein fester Bestandteil des Eventkonzepts. Seit Beginn an haben wir keine Event Flyers produziert. Wir setzen auf digitale Kommunikationskanäle. Erzähle deinen OL-Freund*innen von der Vienna O Challenge! Vielen Dank 😊

Orienteering with good vibes.

Sprint-OL in einer positiven & entspannten Atmosphäre

EM, WM-Medaillengewinner*innen und aufstrebende Sprint-OL-Stars nutzen das VOC Sprint Weekend um ihre Sprint-Skills zu testen.

Jetzt anmelden

Vienna O Challenge is fun

Locations. Das VOC Konzept.

Wien ist Österreichs Sprint-OL Metropole mit einer großen Vielfalt an Sprintgebieten. Die VOC-Gebiete werden wenige Tage vor der Veranstaltung bekanntgegeben. Es erwartet dich ein abwechslungsreiches Sprintwochenende in verschiedenen Teilen der Stadt. Kartenausschnitte früherer VOC-Etappen:

Willkommen in Wien

Die Vienna O Challenge wurde 2019 mit der Zielsetzung initiiert, ein internationales, offenes Event für alle zu bieten, bei dem es Spaß macht dabei zu sein. Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die bei den ersten vier Sprint Weekends dabei gewesen sind. 2023 waren es bereits mehr als 300 Läufer*innen aus 30 Nationen! Willkommen zum 5-Jahres-Jubiläums-Event 2024.

Erik Nilsson Simkovics

Erik Nilsson Simkovics


VOC Event Team, Photo: Burmann

Werde Teil des Event Teams!

So ein Event ist ohne Helfer*innen nicht möglich. Hast du Lust mitzumachen? Werde Teil des Teams :)

Sprint Weekend Kategorien

Newcomers alle Altersstufen unisex
Team Challenge alle Altersstufen unisex
Experience ohne Zeitnehmung alle Altersstufen unisex
Kids ohne Zeitnehmung -12 Jahre unisex
Youth 10-14 Jahre D | H
Open 15+ Jahre D | H
Elite 15+ Jahre D | H
40+ 40-49 Jahre D | H
50+ 50-59 Jahre D | H
60+ 60-69 Jahre D | H
70+ 70-79 Jahre D | H
80+ 80-100 Jahre D | H
Streckenlängen Anmeldung Sprint Weekend



Für Orientierungsläufer*innen

Offen für alle ab 15 Jahre. Separate Damen- und Herrenkategorie.

Team Challenge

OL im Team mit Freunden

Teams von 2-3 Personen, die gemeinsam eine Strecke absolvieren: Karte & Startnummer für jedes Teammitglied, 1 Chip und 1 Ergebnis pro Team.


Für OL-Neueinsteiger*innen

Unisex-Kategorie für Anfänger*innen

Orienteering Guide


Orientierungslauf ohne (Zeit-) Druck

Unisex-Kategorie ohne Rangliste. Diese Kategorie ist für dich wenn du gerne OL machst, dich jedoch nicht mit anderen messen möchtest. Du bekommst deine persönlichen Zwischenzeiten, es wird jedoch keine Ergebnisliste mit Zeiten publiziert.


Mixed Sprintstaffelteams bestehen aus 2 Personen, jede Person läuft zwei Mal = gesamt 4 Strecken. Die Länge einer Staffelstrecke ist 5-7 min. Verwende die Runners bank um eine*n Staffelpartner*in zu finden.

Open Relay offen für alle Altersstufen
Youth Relay (Jugend) Altersobergrenze 16 Jahre (Jg 2008)
Masters Relay (Senior*innen) Mindestalter 45 Jahre (Jg 1979)
Anmeldung Sprintstaffel
Es ist möglich Teams anzumelden, die nicht mixed sind, für die Siegerehrung werden jedoch nur die Top 3 Mixed Teams (und ggf. reine Damenteams) geehrt.


Anmeldung für Sprint Weekend und Sprintstaffel via OL-Sport Alpha

Anmeldetermine Early 30.6. Regular 31.7. Late 20.8.

Für Starter*innen ab 15 bis 30 Jahre in den Sprint Weekend Open/Elite Kategorien: verwende vocstudent24 als Voucher Code bei deiner Buchung und erhalte eine Ermäßigung (15 €).
VOC Sprint Weekend

VOC Sprint Weekend

    • 30. August - 1. September 2024
    • Sprint-Orientierungslauf in Wien
    • 3 Etappen an 3 Tagen
Vienna Sprint Relay

Vienna Sprint Relay

  • 1. September 2024
  • Sprint-Orientierungslaufstaffel in Wien
  • 2 Personen mit je 2 Strecken
  • Kategorien: Open, Youth, Masters
Vienna O Challenge


  • Orientierungslauf in Wien
  • 1 Tag
  • Kategorien: Newcomers, Experience, Women Open, Men Open, Team Challenge



The aim of the Vienna Orienteering Challenge (VOC) is to offer a high-quality orienteering event that is attractive for beginners, recreational and competitive athletes. VOC is a multi-day event with 3 stages in Vienna. The sprint orienteering format attracts international participants, world-class athletes and Austrian orienteers.

Das Ziel der Vienna Orienteering Challenge (VOC) ist es, eine hochqualitative OL-Veranstaltung anzubieten, die für Neulinge, Jugendliche, Breiten- und Leistungssportler*innen attraktiv ist. Die VOC ist ein Mehrtagebewerb mit 3 Etappen in Wien, die Wettkampfform Sprint-OL zieht internationale Teilnehmer*, Weltklasseathlet* und österreichische Orientierungsläufer*innen an.

Start times

Preliminary times (small changes possible, depending on number of participants):
Friday 18:00 - 19:10
Saturday 10:45 - 11:55
Sunday 10:00 - 11:10, Sprint relay 12:45


Scale 1:4000. 1:3000 for age classes 50+. Maps drawn to the latest sprint map standard (IOF ISSprOM 2019-2).


Sprint orienteering courses - max. 4 km

Sprint Relay

5-7 min / leg. 2 legs per person.

Locations and Event Details

The final details with event locations and instructions will be published a few days before the event.
The Open Training takes place on Thursday 30 August 19:00 - 20:00 at Türkenschanzpark, no registration required.


Sportident electronic timekeeping will be used with mixed punching. Competitors with a classic Sportident card will dib in the ordinary way, SIAC users will be able to use it touchfree. You can get hold on a new SIAC touchfree at OL-Shop.

Sportident Card

Rental SI cards (classic punching) are available at no additional cost for participants without own chip. The charge for a lost Sportident card is 75 €.


Live results online, overall results will be published on the website after the final stage. Split times on Winsplits Online after each stage.

Race Format

3-stage sprint orienteering with overall ranking based on time. The start list of stage 3 is based on the overall ranking after 2 stages in competitive classes: reverse order - class leaders start last (1 min start interval). Early start times on stage 3 on request.
For the overall ranking mispunched runners will receive the time of the last runner + x minutes penalty or their own time + 3 min if it is slower than the time of the last ranked runner.
The non-competitive classes Kids and Experience have no overall ranking or penalties.


Prize giving ceremony for the overall ranking, VOC medals and prizes for the top 3 in each class. Prizes for the top 6 elite runners. For the Experience class, prizes will be randomly drawn among participants. All Kids class participants receive a small prize. It is mandatory to be at the awards ceremony to collect a prize.

Orienteering for Deaf Athletes

The event is organised to suit deaf athletes.


All venues are outdoors and accessible by wheelchair. Those who need a wheelchair to move around during the run, please contact us via [email protected] ahead of the event to plan a suitable course according to your needs. We are happy to make it possible to participate for everyone.


No daycare for children. Playgrounds in close proximity to/directly at the arenas. Separated start times for parents available on request.

Risk and Safety

Participants are not insured by the organiser. Competitors accept the hazards associated with participating in the event, and that they take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. Event Officials will not accept liability for any injury, accident, loss or damage to the competitor or their property that may arise before, during or after the event as a consequence of participation in the event. Please note that there will be no road closures during the event and that streets with traffic might be crossed.

Minimum Age

Due to safety reasons the minimum age for competition categories is 10 years. Younger athletes only allowed when accompanied by a person aged 18 or older (in Newcomers, Team Challenge or Open category). For the Kids class we will try to avoid crossings, but ask parents to instruct their children about possible hazards before the start of each event.

Entries and Payment

Entries and payment through the online entry platform OL-Sport Alpha (booking terms)

The entry fee is for the VOC 3 days competition. Open Training free of charge. Relay to be booked extra.
2-day entries are possible - with the voucher code "voc2days" you will receive ca 23% discount on the 3-day entry fee (not in combination with student discount). Please specify in the comment of your booking on what days you want to participate.
1-day entries in Newcomers, Experience, Team Challenge and Women/Men Open. Individual stage starts cannot be transferred to another competitor. Entries after the deadline and in the event centre are possible only in case of unreached limit of participants and according to the possibilities of the organiser.
Entry fees increase by +5 € at each entry deadline. Last minute entries +10 €. Relay entries possible until the day before the Relay at the same cost.

Non-Participation of Russia and Belarus (as of 1 March 2022)

As a consequence of the ongoing war in Ukraine, we follow the principles of the decision made by the International Orienteering Federation to ban Russia & Belarus from international sport events. Runners representing Russian / Belarusian clubs or teams are not allowed to participate until further notice.


Amendments which affect the category or name entered may be made free of charge up to the final entry deadline. It is possible to transfer an entry to another person until 23 August 2024. Other amendments, which do not affect the entry cost or category, are free of charge at all times. If you wish to change your entry, please email to .


After registering for the event, withdrawal from the event is not possible in accordance with § 18 (1) 10 FAGG (Act on Distance Contracts and Off-Premises Contracts). No right of withdrawal for leisure activities and events. If a registered person does not take part in the competition for reasons for which the organiser is not responsible, nor due to neutral reasons, or if the person declares a non-participation to the organiser beforehand, then the registered person is not entitled to a refund of the entry fee. Each participant is solely responsible to have an insurance in order to claim a refund by his/her insurance provider.


IOF competition rules + VOC special rules announced in final details.

Fair Play

If we notice violations against fair play we reserve the right to disqualify runners.
We will not have any quarantine areas and maps will not be collected after finishing. To ensure a fair competition, we expect runners to not share information with runners starting later. We believe it makes for a better challenge.

Personal Data

When you enter we will ask you for the following personal information:

  • Contact details: name, year of birth, email address
  • Participation details: class, club, country

Why we need your details

We need to collect your personal information so that we can enable you to participate in the event. If you do not provide us with all of the personal information that we need to collect then this may affect our ability to manage your entry.

We also process participants’ personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interest to:

Promote and encourage participation in orienteering by sending participants communications and entry information for upcoming events. Our events may be filmed or photographed and your personal information may also be used in images captured from our events, which we use for promotional and development purposes. Provide competition in orienteering by accepting and managing entries for our events and checking your personal information to ensure you are entered into the correct category. Where we process your personal information in pursuit of our legitimate interest, you have the right to object to us using your personal information for the above purposes. If you wish to object to any of the above processing, please contact us.

Who we share your personal information with

If your personal information is included in any images or videos taken by us at our events, we may share this with our event partners for promotional and/or journalistic purposes.

Participants’ personal data

We publish the results of our events on our website. This includes competitors’ name, club, age class and result.

Your rights

You can exercise any of the following rights by writing to us. Your rights in relation to your personal information are:

  • You have a right to request access to the personal information that we hold about you by making a “subject access request”;
  • If you believe that any of your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have a right to request that we correct or complete your personal information;
  • You have a right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information for specific purposes; and
  • If you wish us to delete your personal information, you may request that we do so.

Any requests received by us will be considered under applicable data protection legislation.


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Vienna Orienteering Challenge

+43 6642254915

Präsentiert in Kooperation mit dem Orientierungslaufclub Wienerwald (ZVR-Zahl: 461999384)